Sunday, August 30, 2009

becoming blissfully domestic...

So here I am, sitting on my couch, trying to figure out a clever name for my blog. I don't even know if anyone will want to read what I write or not (I am thinking most likely not) but it seems like a good form of therapy for me so I am going to give this a try.

Most of the blogs I like to follow are written by other stay at home moms. I am, by the way, in awe of these women, and consider them in a category of 'superwomen' who not only raise their children full time but also find time to take on many other roles such as writer, photographer, nurse, therapist, coach, chef, creative artist, and faithful, supportive wife...just to name a few.
It overwhelms me but at the same time, inspires me. I am amazed at how much I love being a wife and mother, and if it is the only 'career' I ever have, I don't think I will regret it. This life is still so new to me but I am excited about the prospect of becoming "domestic" as some would put it...blissfully domestic.