Wednesday, December 2, 2009

sugar for sanity

I don't know what to do with myself! Brandon sould be home in less than 24 hours and I am trying to stop from pacing back and forth from my computer (to check the status of the flight of course) to my phone (to see if I by chamce missed a call from rear detachment. I have not been away from the phone long enough to miss the call but you know crazy phones these days...what if the ringer stops working!?!!!) and then back to the computer, taking a detour to the living room to casually turn on the tv to the weather channel (just to make sure there is no storm anywhere in the vicinity that could delay his plane).

Maddox and I were at the grocery store by 7:30 this morning because at 6 am I was already starting to pace and I know how I can get. For lunch I met a friend at the mall and we window shopped for a whie in an attempt to distract myself but now I am back home and the little guy is sleeping and me...well you know.

Anyway...maybe I will try out a new recipe I found for cheesecake bars to take the edge off :) I will post them if they turn out good! (You know...I am really glad that this wasn't a longer deployment or I would probably have to gain about 20 more pounds!)

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