Wednesday, March 10, 2010

it's been a long time has certainly been a long time! I completely abandoned my blogging efforts over the past few months and I have REALLY missed it. Life has been, in short, hectic. We have been travelling a ton, mostly visiting family but we did take a mini-vacation without the little guy so we could have some much needed R&R. I guess in the middle of getting our life back to normal...I have had trouble finding time for just me.
Maddox is 15 months old now (I is that possible?!?) and he is into everything! I have sat down in front of this screen so many times and opened up a new post and it never fails, Maddox comes over and crawls in my lap and tries to type my new blog entry for me. I can barely check my email before he loudly protests the matter. I used to spend quality time with my computer after he was in bed or during naps but I feel like there is so much to do during those few hours of quiet that by the time I am done with chores, I just want to take a shower, curl up on the couch with Brandon, or go to bed.
I am making an effort though to not forget about the little things that keep me sane, like blogging or just reading a book. So here I am, up at 5:00, before the little monster wakes up, attempting to get in a little "me" time. I have to is really nice to drink coffee in the glow of my computer screen. Quite peaceful :)
P.S. I hope you like the spring makeover!

1 comment:

  1. love the yellow- i feel like i've seen it in fabric form...but i'm not sure. anyway, love it!
