Saturday, November 14, 2009

crunch time!

As Brandon's return is getting closer and closer, I find myself thinking "what have I been doing for a year?" Some might say "you have raised a child alone" and that in itself is enough to keep one busy for a year...but I had plans. I had big plans of essentially becoming a domestic goddess. I wanted to learn how to bake amazing bread and cook complicated meals like it was no biggie. I wanted to make our house look like a home instead of the place we moved into right before having a baby and never really had time to do anything except put the furniture down and hang a picture. I really wanted to sew more and and make things that would impress my mother-in-law. I was pretty much planning to be Martha....a younger, more fashionable Martha of course :)
Now I know that one does not become Martha in a year...not even close, but I feel like I have not accomplished anything. I had no idea how time consuming taking care of a baby could be. I guess I was naive but I really thought I would have all this time being a SAHM to do crafts and cook and make rediculously cute baby clothes. WRONG. Some days...I am lucky just to get the laundry done. So for the next few weeks, I will probably still be in a semi-panicked state trying to cram in a bunch of stuff I didnt get done while Brandon was gone, but I have come to grips with the fact that my domestic goddess status is on hold until my husband is here and can entertain the little guy so I can at least finish the apron I started like 4 months ago. Now I wonder if I have time to lose a few pounds...

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