Sunday, October 4, 2009

good news is good news!!

So I try not to get too excited when my husband gives me dates about him coming home from Iraq, just because whatever information they get is usually wrong, or it changes at the last minute. I have learned not to trust anything until it happens, that way I don't get my hopes up. Who am I kidding? I always get my hopes up even though I know it will change...but that is just the army life I suppose. But a few days ago Brandon called with news that he will (unless of course, something major happens) be home for Maddox's 1st birthday!!! He is actually scheduled to be home 2 weeks before the big day so even if he does get delayed, he should still make it home by then.

I have been praying and pretty much holding my breath that he would be home for our little guy's birthday ever since he walked out of the hospital the day after Maddox was born to get on a plane for Iraq. Not to menton that this also means that he will be home for Christmas...our first Christmas together as a family. Words can not express how happy I am to get this wonderful news and the peace I am feeling tonight as I write this. I can not wait until this long, LONG year is over and Brandon is back home with us again.


  1. what a challenging time! and yes, such a LONG hard year! how amazing that he will be back just in time!


  2. That is awesome! I hope the Army cooperates :)
